Dec 22, 2021
Pluggable Databases- Files

Pluggable databases are designed to be a set of files you can move from one root container database to another.

That is, we can unplug a pluggable database, and upon plugging it back into either the same root container database or some other root container database, we would have our original pluggable database back—with all of the ­application schemas, users, metadata, grants, data, and even our pluggable database parameter settings (settings that were not inherited from the root container).

This is achieved by storing pluggable database–specific parameter settings in a data dictionary table: SYS.PDB_ SPFILE$.

You can view parameters modifiable at the PDB level via this query:

SQL> SELECT name, value
FROM v$system_parameter
WHERE ispdb_modifiable = ‘TRUE’
ORDER BY name;



You set the PDB level parameters by using the ALTER SYSTEM … CONTAINER clause or by connecting the pluggable database and issuing the ALTER SYSTEM command:

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> alter session set container=pdb1; SQL> alter system set statistics_level=all;

It is in this fashion that pluggable databases can override a parameter setting for some parameters in an SPFILE and have those parameter settings travel with them as they move from root container database to root container database.

Parameter File Wrap-Up

In this section, we covered the basics of managing Oracle initialization parameters and parameter files.

We looked at how to set parameters, view parameter values, and have those settings persist across database restarts.

We explored the two types of database parameter files: legacy PFILEs (simple text files) and the newer SPFILEs.

For all existing databases, using SPFILEs is recommended for the ease of administration and clarity they bring.

The ability to have a single source of parameter “truth” for the database, along with the ability of the ALTER SYSTEM command to persist the parameter values, makes SPFILEs a compelling feature. I started using them the instant they became available and haven’t looked back.

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Oct 22, 2021
Trace Files- Files

Trace files are a source of debugging information. When the server encounters a problem, it generates a trace file full of diagnostic information.

When a developer executes DBMS_ MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE, the server generates a trace file full of performance-­related information.

Trace files are available to us because Oracle is a heavily instrumented piece of software. By “instrumented,” I mean that the programmers who wrote the database kernel put in debugging code—lots and lots of it. And they left it in, on purpose.

I’ve met many developers who consider debugging code to be overhead—something that must be ripped out before an application goes into production in a vain attempt to squeeze every ounce of performance out of the code. Later, of course, they discover that their code has a bug or it isn’t running as fast as it should (which end users tend to call a bug as well; to an end user, poor performance is a bug).

At that point, they really wish that the debug code was still in the code (or had been in there if it never was), especially since you can’t drop debug code into the production system. You have to test any new code before putting it into a production environment, and that’s not something you do at the drop of a hat.

The Oracle database (and Application Server and Oracle applications and various tools such as Application Express (APEX)) is heavily instrumented. Signs of this instrumentation in the database are

•\ V$ views: Most V$ views contain “debug” information. V$WAITSTAT, V$SESSION_EVENT, and many others exist solely to let us know what is going on deep in the kernel.

•\ The AUDIT command: This command allows you to specify what events the database should record for later analysis.

•\ Resource Manager (DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER): This feature lets you micromanage resources (CPU, I/O, and the like) within the database. What makes a Resource Manager in the database possible is that it has access to all of the runtime statistics describing how the resources are being used.

•\ Oracle events: These enable you to ask Oracle to produce trace or diagnostic information as needed.

•\ DBMS_TRACE: This facility within the PL/SQL engine exhaustively records the call tree of stored procedures, exceptions raised, and errors encountered.

•\ Database event triggers: These triggers, such as ON SERVERERROR, allow you to monitor and log any condition you feel is “exceptional” or out of the ordinary. For example, you can log the SQL that was running when an “out of temp space” error was raised.

•\ DBMS_MONITOR: This is used to view the exact SQL, wait events, and other performance/behavior-related diagnostic information generated by running your application. The SQL Trace facility is also available in an extended fashion via the 10046 Oracle event.

Instrumentation is vital in application design and development, and the Oracle database becomes better instrumented with each release. Oracle 10g took code instrumentation in the kernel to a whole new level with the introduction of the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and Active Session History (ASH) features.

Oracle 11g took that further with options such as the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) and the SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA). Oracle 12c advanced even further with the addition of a DDL log to track all DDL operations in a database (something that shouldn’t be happening in many typical production databases day to day) and the debug log to track exceptional conditions in the database.

In this section, we’re going to focus on the information you can find in various types of trace files. We’ll cover what they are, where they are stored, and what we can do with them.

There are two general types of trace files, and what we do with each kind is very different:

•\ Trace files you expected and want: These are, for example, the result of enabling DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE. They contain diagnostic information about your session and will help you tune your application to optimize its performance and diagnose any bottlenecks it is experiencing.

•\ Trace files you were not expecting but the server generated as the result of an ORA-00600 “Internal Error,” ORA-03113 “End of file on communication channel,” or ORA-07445 “Exception Encountered” type of error: These traces contain diagnostic information that is most useful to an Oracle Support analyst and, beyond showing where in our application the internal error was raised, are of limited use to us.

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Jul 22, 2021
Requested Trace Files- Files

The trace files you typically expect to be generated as the result of enabling trace via DBMS_MONITOR or using the extended trace facility via the 10046 event might be as follows:

SQL> alter session set events ‘10046 trace name context forever, level 12’; Session altered.

These trace files contain diagnostic and performance-related information. They provide invaluable insights into the inner workings of your database application. You will see these trace files more often than any other kind of trace file in a normally operating database.

File Locations

Whether you use DBMS_MONITOR or the extended trace facility, Oracle will start generating a trace file on the database server derived from the setting of the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter. The structure of the directory specified by DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is as follows:


This location is known as the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) Home. For example, if the database name is CDB and the instance name is CDB, the ADR home directory would be /diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB. You can view the directory settings with this query:

SQL> select name, value from v$diag_info;


Diag Enabled TRUE
ADR Base /opt/oracle
ADR Home /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB

Diag Trace /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/trace
Diag Alert /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/alert
Diag Incident /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/incident
Diag Cdump /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/cdump
Health Monitor /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/hm
Default Trace File /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/trace/CDB_ora_15884.trc …

The most important rows are

•\ Diag Trace: This is where the text-based alert log goes along with the trace file.
•\ Diag Alert: This is where the XML-based alert log file is written.

As a DBA, you’ll spend time working with files in the Diag Trace directory. These files are used so often (debugging and maintenance) that DBAs will often create aliases that will take them to that directory directly and tail the alert log. For example:

$ alias cda=’cd /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/trace’
$ alias ta=’tail -f /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/trace/alert_CDB.log’

The aliases create shortcuts for working with these critical files.

Naming Convention

The trace file naming convention changes from time to time in Oracle, but if you have an example trace file name from your system, it is easy to see the template in use. For example, on my various UNIX/Linux servers, a trace file name has this general format:


The trace file name can be broken down as follows:

•\ The first part of the file name is the ORACLE_SID.

•\ The next bit of the file name is just ora.

•\ The number in the trace file name is the process ID of your dedicated server, available to you from the V$PROCESS view.

A query, then, to generate your trace file name could be

SQL> column trace new_val TRACE format a100
SQL> select i.value || ‘/’ || d.instance_name || ‘ora‘ || a.spid || ‘.trc’ trace
from v$process a, v$session b, v$diag_info i , v$instance d where a.addr = b.paddr
and b.audsid = userenv(‘sessionid’)
and’Diag Trace’;



And this just shows that if the file exists, you’ll be able to access it via that name (assuming you have the permissions to read the trace directory). The following example generates a trace file, showing how the file is created once the trace is enabled:

ls: cannot access /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/CDB/trace/CDB_ora_16908.trc:

No such file or directory
SQL> exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

As you can see, before we enabled tracing in that session, no file existed; as soon as tracing is enabled, however, we are able to see it.

And if you’re using Windows, it should be obvious that you’d replace the / with .

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May 22, 2021
Setting Values in SPFILEs- Files

Once our database is up and running on the SPFILE, the next question relates to how we set and change values contained therein. Remember, SPFILEs are binary files and we can’t just edit them using a text editor. The answer is to use the ALTER SYSTEM command, which has the following syntax (portions in <> are optional, and the presence of the pipe symbol indicates “one of the list”):

Alter system set parameter=value <comment=’text’> <deferred> <scope=memory|spfile|both> <sid=’sid|*’> <container=current|all>

The ALTER SYSTEM SET command, by default, will update the currently running instance and make the change to the SPFILE for you—or in the case of a pluggable database, in the data dictionary of that pluggable database (see the following section on pluggable databases for more information). This greatly eases administration, and it eliminates the problems that arose when you used ALTER SYSTEM to add or modify parameter settings, but you forgot to update or missed an init.ora parameter file.

Let’s take a look at each element of the command:

•\    The parameter=value assignment supplies the parameter name and the new value for the parameter. For example, pga_aggregate_ target = 1024m would set the pga_aggregate_target parameter to a value of 1024MB (1GB).

•\ comment=’text’ is an optional comment you can associate with this setting of the parameter. The comment will appear in the UPDATE_ COMMENT field of the V$PARAMETER view. If you use the option to save the change to the SPFILE, the comment will be written into the SPFILE and preserved across server restarts as well, so future restarts of the database will see the comment.

•\ deferred specifies whether the system change takes place for subsequent sessions only (not currently established sessions, including the one making the change). By default, the ALTER SYSTEM command will take effect immediately, but some parameters can’t be changed immediately—they can be changed only for newly established sessions. We can use the following query to see what parameters mandate the use of deferred:

SQL> select name from v$parameter where issys_modifiable=’DEFERRED’;


Note Your results may differ; from version to version, the list of which parameters may be set online—but must be deferred—can and will change.

The code shows that SORT_AREA_SIZE is modifiable at the system level, but only in a deferred manner. The following code shows what happens if we try to modify its value with and without the deferred option:

SQL> alter system set sort_area_size = 65536; alter system set sort_area_size = 65536

ERROR at line 1:

ORA-02096: specified initialization parameter is not modifiable with this option
SQL> alter system set sort_area_size = 65536 deferred;System altered.

•\ SCOPE=MEMORY|SPFILE|BOTH indicates the “scope” of this parameter setting. Here are our choices for setting the parameter value:

•\ SCOPE=MEMORY changes the setting in the instance(s) only; it will not survive a database restart. The next time you start the database, the setting will be whatever was already recorded in the


•\ SCOPE=SPFILE changes the value in the SPFILE only. The change will not take place until the database is restarted and the SPFILE is processed again. Some parameters can be changed only by using this option. For example, the processes parameter must use SCOPE=SPFILE, as you can’t change the active instance value.

•\ SCOPE=BOTH means the parameter change takes place both in memory and in the SPFILE. The change will be reflected in the current instance, and, the next time you start, this change will still be in effect. This is the default value for scope when using an SPFILE. With an init.ora parameter file, the default and only valid value is SCOPE=MEMORY. This is the default if the instance was started with an SPFILE.

•\ sid=’sid|‘ is useful mostly in a clustered environment; sid=’‘ is the default. This lets you specify a parameter setting uniquely for any given instance in the cluster. Unless you are using Oracle RAC, you will not need to specify the sid= setting.

•\ container=current|all is used in a multitenant database to determine the scope of the change. If the ALTER SYSTEM is executed in a root container database, the setting may be propagated down to every pluggable database by using the all option. Otherwise, by default, only the current container or pluggable database is affected by the change. Note that pluggable database–specific settings are not recorded in the SPFILE but are stored in the data dictionary of the pluggable database, so that when it is moved to another container, its specific settings will move with it.

A typical use of this command might be simply
SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=512m; System altered.

Note The preceding command—and in fact many of the ALTER SYSTEM commands in this book—may fail on your system. If you use other settings that are incompatible with my example (other memory parameters, for example), you may well receive an error. That doesn’t mean the command doesn’t work, but, rather, the settings you attempted to use are not compatible with your overall setup.

Better yet, perhaps, would be using the COMMENT= assignment to document when and/or why a particular change was made:

SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=512m comment = ‘AWR recommendation’; System altered.
SQL> select value, update_comment from v$parameter where name = ‘pga_ aggregate_target’;

536870912 AWR recommendation

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Mar 22, 2021
Unsetting Values in SPFILEs- Files

The next question that arises is, how do we unset a value that we previously set? In other words, we don’t want that parameter setting in our SPFILE anymore. Since we can’t edit the file using a text editor, how do we accomplish that? This, too, is done via the ALTER SYSTEM command, but using the RESET clause:

Alter system reset parameter sid=’sid|*’

So, for example, if we wanted to remove the sort_area_size parameter, to allow it to assume the default value we specified previously, we could do so as follows:

SQL> alter system reset sort_area_size scope=spfile ; System altered.

The sort_area_size is removed from the SPFILE, which you can verify by issuing the following:

SQL> create pfile=’/tmp/pfile.tst’ from spfile; File created.

You can then review the contents of /tmp/pfile.tst, which will be generated on the database server. You’ll find the sort_area_size parameter does not exist in the parameter file anymore.

Creating PFILEs from SPFILEs

The CREATE PFILE…FROM SPFILE command we just saw is the opposite of CREATE SPFILE. It takes the binary SPFILE and creates a plain text file from it—one that can be edited in any text editor and subsequently used to start up the database. You might use this command for at least two things on a regular basis:

•\ To create a one-time parameter file with some special settings, to start up the database for maintenance. So, you’d issue CREATE PFILE…

FROM SPFILE and edit the resulting text PFILE, modifying the required settings. You’d then start the database, using the PFILE= option to specify your PFILE instead of the SPFILE. After you finished, you’d just start up normally without specifying the PFILE=, and the database would use the SPFILE.

•\ To maintain a history of commented changes. In the past, many DBAs heavily commented their parameter files with a change history. If they changed the size of the SGA 20 times, for example, they would have 20 comments in front of the sga_target init.ora parameter setting, stating the date and reason for making the change. The SPFILE does not support this, but you can achieve the same effect if you get into the habit of doing the following:

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> create pfile=’init_10_feb_2021_CDB.ora’ from spfile; File created.
SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=512m comment = ‘Changed 10-feb-­
2021, AWR recommendation’;System altered.

In this way, your history will be saved in the series of parameter files over time.

Fixing Corrupted SPFILEs

The last question that comes up with regard to SPFILEs is, “SPFILEs are binary files, so what happens if one gets corrupted and the database won’t start? At least the init.ora file was just text, so we could edit it and fix it.” Well, SPFILEs shouldn’t go corrupt any more than should a datafile, redo log file, control file, and so forth. However, in the event one does—or if you have set a value in your SPFILE that does not allow the database to start—you have a couple of options.

First, the amount of binary data in the SPFILE is very small. If you are on a UNIX/ Linux platform, a simple strings command will extract all of your settings:

$ strings $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile$ORACLE_SID.ora

On Windows, simply open the file with write.exe (WordPad). WordPad will display all of the clear text in the file, and by simply cutting and pasting into init. ora, you can create a PFILE to use to start your instance.

In the event that the SPFILE has just “gone missing” (for whatever reason—not that I’ve seen an SPFILE disappear), you can also resurrect the information for your parameter file from the database’s alert log (more on the alert log shortly). Every time you start the database, the alert log will contain a section like this:

System parameters with non-default values:

processes = 300
nls_language = “AMERICAN”
nls_territory = “AMERICA”
filesystemio_options = “setall”
sga_target = 2152M
control_files = “/opt/oracle/oradata/CDB/control01.ctl”
db_block_size = 8192

From this section, you can easily create a PFILE to be converted into a new SPFILE using the CREATE SPFILE command.

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